Tuesday, December 1, 2009

November Design Team Bits and Pieces Collages

(Repost from Glitter & Grunge)

For November I asked our design team to make a 12 tile bits and pieces collage that represents some aspect of themselves. Each tile is 2x2. Here are some of our members pieces and their notes about it.

Bits-n-Pieces Collage of Me by Lorrain Garcia
1. Crayon Monkey - My Niece
2. Dress Maker Stand - My mom, sewing
3. Angel Wings - My sister
4. Heart - I am loved.
5. Rain Cloud - My name, my business
6. Skull Necklace - My jewelry
7. Bird - My grandma
8. Glasses - Me, geeky
9. CD - My boyfriend, Music
10. Dancing skeleton - My Heritage
11. Sunflower - My favorite flower
12. Bust - Femininity

Shannon's piece in progress (finished piece to be revealed later).

Wall hanging, by Leslie, the result of the 2 x 2 Challenge. The basic squares were made of cloth-paper that I made (based on a technique first introduced by Beryl Taylor in Cloth Paper Scissors) and then hand-stitched onto unstretched painted canvas. The beads at the bottom were made from more bits of cloth-paper and hung from hemp. Grommets and hemp hold the entire piece onto a wooden dowel.

1 comment:

Angel said...

I'm so flattered to be a part of your tile pieces :)

I think my favorite is the dress model piece for mom though.

Moochas Garcias!!!
